Friday 17 May 2013


People sacrifice so many things in life. Their favorite things. Their money. Their time (haha!). Their life. Oh, good. And their hair, at temples. Good Lord! Anyway.

I consider cutting my nails a sacrifice. Its tragic. Its like I cut off a lethal weapon that's a part of my own body. I must have been a cat in my previous life, but god, why do I have to cut nails >.< I'm not allowed to grow them in school (them bitches get scared!?!!) Just one more year in that place and I'll be free! But let me tell you, my nails are pretty awesome. Highly efficient when it comes to hurting people, cutting things (your skin, too), opening things (lol, don't even go there) but then again, when I go bowling, the ass of a bowl breaks my nails, EVERYFUCKINGTIME.

I'm scared they won't grow back again, someday..and then I'll be lonely without my nails. A vital part of me won't be there..its like death. I'll mourn. :/ But I hope that day never comes. It shouldn't. I have been nice to my nails. I cut them in the right manner, I control myself from piercing into someone else's skin, I shape them good..oh, god, why do I have to cut them >.< they even look good painted. +makes my finger look longer. Anyway, what's done, is done. I hope they grow back again, like they do, their normal length..which shall take around 3 weeks? Hopefully. God bless my nails and America (NOT!). Bless, Britain. :3


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