Saturday 16 March 2013

RIP, Mr. Thompson.

I'm writing this post in a very morbid mood as one of my fishes died. It was a gold fish, named Mr Thompson. I hadn't known him for long, probably 48hrs only, as it was gifted by our neighbor, in my absence, and even though it was only for a short while for which I had known him, I feel great sorrow. Especially, for Mrs. Thompson. She's gotten pretty lonely in there. I need to look for someone new for her, now. Poor lady. Dying is so sad. Even if it's of a little being..any life taken is sad. God, I just needed this thing to trigger me now, did I?

A couple of years back, we had another fish tank. It was bigger than this one. We had many fishes. But they all died, as the guy who sold it to us, gave us sick fishes. The garden which we had there wasn't huge, unlike the current one, but anyway, I dug graves for each one of them. Made them little garlands with ribbons which had their names engraved and buried them, properly. But that was when I was little. This hasn't happened in a long while. The last time I cried for a pet was in 09', when our domestic help lost Mr. Mitchell (my turtle) in the yard.

I love pets, or rather, animals, more than homo sapiens. Anyday. And if one of them dies, it's like one of my own family member dying. Be it a turtle, bird, fish, dog (don't even go there..when my doberman died, I felt like her spirit was following me everywhere..and god knows the nights I cried for her), nevertheless, I hope Mr. Thompson rests in peace, up there..with many other Mrs. Thompsons.

Mrs. Thompson.


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