Sunday 10 June 2012

Never mind.

My head hurts really this pain has been piercing through me for hours now and I can't fucking take it anymore. I have no clue where I'm getting admission..or for a fact, if I'm getting admission at all. It feels fucked. Everything. How can I get a fucking 8?
Anyhow, I miss my sister really fucking bad! Been 5yrs since I last saw her? So, well, I'm waiting for a reply from her. If I don't get any, I'll be gone by Friday, probably. A stab in the heart takes 4 seconds to kill you. Not like many people will notice, but to those who will, well, I was perfectly fine, other than the fact enormously fat, without a school, surrounded by people who dislike/hate me, and well, mentally fucking crazy.

That's about it.


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