Friday 11 May 2012

The Art of Getting By.

Firstly, Freddie Highmore :O
Whatever happened to the kid I saw in Finding Neverland, Fiver Children and It, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, August Rush, The Golden Compass and The Spiderwick Chronicles..*wow*

But anyway, I relate to his character, by all means.
He said, "“Since the dawn of recorded history, something like 110 billion human beings have been born into this world. And not a single one of them made it. There are 6.8 billion people on the planet. Roughly 60 million of them die every year. 60 million people. That comes out to about 160,000 per day. I read this quote once when I was a kid,  “We live alone. We die aloneEverything else is just an illusion.” It used to keep me up at night. We all die alone. So, why am I supposed to spend my life working, sweating, struggling?…For an illusion? Because no amount of friends, no girl, no assignments about conjugating the pluperfect or determining the square root of the hypotenuse is gonna help me avoid my fate. I have better things to do with my time.”
My kind of philosophy, much?
Anyway, Weird movie..which makes it all the way better. I mean, nobody could have possibly pulled out George's character the way Freddie did.
He needed a reason, a muse, something for him to make an effort. He believed, it was all pointless, considering how he was supposed to die in the end, after all. But that changed..Better late than never (:

Favorite Quotes? 

"I'm kind of a misanthrope..not by choice, just a fact."

“You’re going to have to start using that brain of yours, to access that talent of yours, to show that beautiful heart of yours."

Sally: What were you like as a child? 

George: I was such a better person than I am now. I was happy. I was open. I was curious. But I'll tell you this, I knew that it was ending. I was overwhelmed with sadness when I realized that I was gonna change, that it was all most likely going to get worse. Like a nostalgia for the present, I couldn't shake.

“I need to tell you something. You were right, in a way, I should’ve been able to say what I wanted to. I’m in love with you. I always have been. I thought you were the unfair one, but it was unfair of me not to say it. So I’ve said it. I was nothing. I felt like nothing. Less than. You changed it.”

“You know, ticklish people are the best lovers. Everything is erogenous.”

“Women love being desired. Just throw her up against a wall and start kissing her. Chances are she’ll kiss you back, and if she doesn't, at least you tried. You’ve got to do something or else you’ll lose her.”

His teacher asked him about his homework and he replied, I couldn't do it because I was depressed. His teacher asked him, why? And so he replied..



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